Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday of the First Week of Lent

Psalm 19Genesis 39:1-231 Corinthians 2:14-3:15Mark 2:1-12

So strong was their faith that the people removed the roof over Jesus’ head to let down the paralytic. The psalmist’s exultant rhapsody of belief sweeps us away in its passion and certainty. We look around us and so many wander the dark alleys of disbelief. How do they survive in hard times without the assurance and comfort of Your abounding love? How do they take the next step without You to guide them?
Help me to bring relief
To those in disbelief.

May they see in
Sunset’s grand theatre
The glory of God the creator.

May they find from
A stranger’s face, amazing,
That God’s love was gazing.

May they feel in their
Friend’s cancer cure
God’s healing work assured.

May they know God’s own love
That mends the broken heart
Gives sinners a second start.

May they sense the mystery
God’s spirit bringing from the night
The brightest day, his glorious Light.
— Alice P. Turner

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